How to earn from fiverr
i am pointing out some popular topic that sell on fiverr if you have any skill that is given then you can earn lot of money from fiverr.
1.Logo designing
2.voice over
voice is another hot topic on fiverr if your voice is so attractive and you can record any thing in a decent way then you can also earn from fiverr most of the business man and marketer come on fiverr and they give order to the seller and tell seller that they want voice over their product website anything that they want and then seller have to deliver that order within a given time. entry.
Data Entry is also a field of computer and if you can make data sheet in excel then you can also earn from fiverr for example, buyer give you a order that enter some data of his company or something like that in a excel and make a sheet of that data and he/she will give 5$ or 10$ according to thier work then you have to make a sheet of that data and deliver to the buyer in given time.
4.reddit account selling.
so reddit is a social network where people come for entertainment,knowledge,and reading news billion of users are on Reddit. Many marketer and website owner want website traffic and reddit is a place where you can get more traffic so for traffic purpose they use Reddit if you want to get traffic from reddit then you have should have decent link karma(you can say that Facebook likes) so they come fiverr and buy Reddit accounts from seller you can also make reddit accounts and increase it,s link karma and sell it to buyer. marketing.
social marketing is same like reddit traffic in this field you get from social channel like Facebook,pintrest,twitter,Reddit and much more social network like these and give your buyer traffic then they will pay you for your can easily do social marketing just make some social account and increase your follower that,s it when you receive order just paste their link into your social accounts and post it and then sit and watch. traffic.
it is same as i describe above you can get traffic from different platform by making back-links social media,SEO mostly buyer on fiverr come to get traffic in low cost you can deliver web traffic to your it,s simple just use social media it is an easy way to get traffic paste their link and ask to your friend to visit that,s it it,s an 5$ job you can do multiple orders in one day.
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